Ask the Vet About Kidney Disease in Dogs and Cats

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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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DateSep 18, 2023
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicNutrition for picky eater

She was diagnosed w/ renal failure, she's a picky eater, she won't eat any dog food (I've tried 7 different dry and 10 or more wet foods all mid to high range quality), what should and shouldn't I feed her? I made a concoction of ground beef, sticky rice, steamed green beans and collard greens, whole milk plain yogurt, white bread, and goat milk. She ate it decently yesterday but refused to today and would only eat just ground beef. I know I need to stay away from high phosphorus foods but what is a low phosphorus food and is highly palatable to picky eaters?


Hey! You could try adding chicken to her food to encourage her to eat! It can be difficult to get dogs with kidney disease to eat unfortunately but maybe talk to your vet about getting her a prescription for an appetite stimulate to keep her eating! -Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateSep 9, 2023
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeCat

Why does my cat have to have fluids everyday when she is eating and drinking good? Her bun count is at 50 now, but if it gets down in the normal range, is it necessary for the fluids long term?


Hey! When cats have kidney disease, they lose more water through their urine and become dehydrated even if they drink water! The fluids help rehydrate them and also help flush out some of the toxins that build up. However, fluids are only part of the treatment for kidney disease! Make sure your cat is on a proper kidney support diet and whatever supplements your vet recommends. -Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateAug 4, 2023
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeCat
TopicAppetite stimulate cypro trans vs mirataz

Which one is best? Especially long term.


Hey! I prefer Mirataz! -Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateJul 27, 2023
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeCat
TopicCat health

My cat was has been diagnosed with kidney disease. Since then her blood work kidney levels are in normal range. My cat has required meds for her high blood pressure and had been taking b12 to raise her red blood levels and they are normal now as well. However her hemacrit and hemoglobin are low is there a supplement that can help my cat like iron? Or any other alternatives to increase the levels. Thanks


Hey! You could try a supplement like Pet-Tinic! It does contain both Iron and B12 along with some other vitamins and minerals. -Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateJun 23, 2023
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicRx help

Do you have aluminum hydroxide compound. I’m looking for an alternative distributor to my local pharmacy


Hey! We have something called Phos Bind that can help! I will put the link below. You can order this to have as backup before you get your normal ALDROX from your vet. PHOS BIND (aluminum hydroxide)

DateJun 19, 2023
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicDrinking a lot of water even at night

He is on denamarin for slight liver slight is just started drinking a lot of water even at nite he is eating fine and is 13 walk twice daily but now takes naps . I stoped cosco chicken salty I’d there a supplement to help


Hey! You may need to check for diabetes if your dog is drinking alot of water. OR cushings disease, hyperthyroidism or some lymphomas. Or it could just be psychogenic drinking alot. I suggest having your vet do a physical exam and run some bloodwork to help see what is going on. I hope this helps! Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateJun 5, 2023
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicKidney issues

Wanted to know beside medication is there any other way we can combat kidney issues with our Pomeranian, he has done blood works and urin test found he is loosing proteins through his urine he was put on enalapril but wanted to see if there are holistic ways to combat this kidney issue.


Hey! Keeping your pet on a kidney diet is one of the ways to help. And then giving them SQ fluids once a week as prescribed by your veterinarian which helps them live longer. Keeping them hydrated helps but don't let this consume you.There is only so much you can do. Unfortunately, kidney disease is a slow progressive disease, I advise all of my clients to try their best to keep their pets happy! I hope this helped! Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateMay 22, 2023
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicKidney failure

My 4.2lb yorkies has kidney failure, she is eating & acting normal, can I put advantix flee & tic medicine on her, I read online that it may cause her kidney failure to progress more


HEY! Yes you can put advantix on her for fleas and ticks. Advantix has been around a long time and I have never had any problems with it causing kidney failure in my patients. Flea protection is so important! Please treat her and it will be fine. Thank you! Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateMay 9, 2023
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeOther

Do i need prescription for this


Hey! Yes you do. Please contact your local vet for a script and we can fill it. Thank you, Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateJan 30, 2023
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeDog

Our Sheltie is 15, in great health but has been on 2 brands of kidney support dry food for over a year. She's not fond of eating those and so she's losing weight slowly. What can we feed her that won't hurt her kidneys or conflict with kidney support food?


Hey! Im so sorry to hear this! I have herding breeds myself called Lapponian Herders. 15 years old is amazing! For your Sheltie with kidney disease, don't stress out so much about the diet, but make sure she is eating and getting calories. At a certain point it is going to be about quality of life. You want her to eat anything to keep weight on. You can feed her boiled rice and turkey (lower in protein) and see if she will eat that. Or try other prescription Kidney diets that are from Blue Buffalo and try Wet food which is more enticing. I hope this helps! Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateJan 14, 2023
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicKidney disease

My dog has kidney failure from Lyme, vet suggested we put him down because he’s suffering, he’s only 4 years old, but we can’t afford the treatments, is there any medicine that would help him live a little longer? He is very active still, the only thing is he won’t eat very much. He will eat meat nothing else


Hey! I am very sorry, Lyme disease in the end stages is bad and most people do elect humane euthanasia in regards to their pets quality of life. There is no medicine other than supportive care and hospitalization that can help him live longer. I am so sorry! Feed him whatever he will eat. ~ Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateDec 23, 2022
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicNeed grain free/ kidney disease wet food and treats

My dog was just diagnosed with kidney disease. I’m having trouble finding grain free/ wet food, because it’s sold out or out of stock everywhere. My dog is super picky eater. Help!


Hey! I don't think you particularly need grain free diet? But If you do I don't have a particular kidney diet that is grain free. Grains are safe for dogs to eat, so I would not get caught up only looking for grain free. Grain free also can cause heart disease? So please consider a safe regular diet for kidney disease that is lower in protein for the kidneys. PetMeds sells Blue Buffalo Natural KS kidney support diet. Ill put the link below to shop online to get it shipped to your door. I hope this helps! Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateNov 3, 2022
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicFood and supplements

My dog has kidney issues and I want to put him on some supplements to help him have a healthier lifestyle as much as we can. He’s also a super picky eater but I think because he gets noxious , what else can I do to help him ?


Here is a direct link to our article about treating kidney disease, with many treatment options, both over-the-counter and prescription and a section about supplements:

DateNov 3, 2022
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicNutrition - Kidney Disease

Hello! Just a short question -- We have a small senior dog with early stage kidney disease. We have switched over to a KD wet food, but she sometimes eats some of the dry cat food. The cat food is has recently been changed to Hills Diet KD food as well (we have two senior cats with kidney disease). So my main ask is: Is it OK for a dog with KD to ingest Hills Diet FELINE KD kibble as part of their normal diet? Or should we ensure she doesn't have any access to it? Majority of what she is eating is her own KD food.


Since cats have a higher protein requirement, their food is higher in protein, so no, it's probably not ideal, but consult your veterinarian, who has access to her bloodwork and entire history for the best advice.

DateSep 30, 2022
CategoryKidney Disease
Pet TypeDog

Should a dog with no renal issues eat food prescribed for renal issues?


It's not really ideal because it is too low in protein for a totally normal dog.

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1 - 15 of 109 Answers