Ask the Vet: Addison's Disease

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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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DateJun 19, 2023
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet TypeCat
TopicStreet cat comes for food that is sick

I want to treat this cat because he is sick, he is not friendly and he look bad, I give him food but I would like to do more for him, can you please help me.


HEY! Without photos or anything its hard to help! But I also cannot prescribe medication here. I did make a cool video treating a sick street cat with what to do I will link it below for you! I hope it helps! Dr. Lindsay Butzer TREATING A SICK STRAY CAT:

DateOct 25, 2022
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet TypeCat



This is Jill, if you need me to answer this one.

DateOct 6, 2021
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicDaily med for Addison's disease

Is there a generic for prednisone, or is that the generic?


Prednisone is the name of the drug - there are many different manufacturers though. Here is one:

DateAug 18, 2021
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet TypeDog

testing submit button


I never can tell if you want me to respond to these, so I'm responding.

DateAug 11, 2021
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet TypeOther
TopicTest Dog Topic

Test Dog Question


Test Answer

DateAug 9, 2021
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicDog addison's disease?

same question but from staging.


I can't tell what your exact question is about Addison's disease so here is a link to our article about Addison's disease:

DateAug 9, 2021
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicTest Question

If my dog has addison's disease, will his skin turn brown?


Addison's disease will present to us many different ways (GI signs, lethergy, collapse, etc.) but brown skin is not a clinical sign that we see with Addison's. Here is a link to our article about Addison's disease:

DateMay 20, 2021
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet Typenull
TopicLarge labradoodle

My 60+ lb dog is 13 1/2 years old. He has had Addisons since he was about 2. I have managed it very effectively all these years. Yesterday he had a seizure yet he still enjoys eating and drinking and he’s just an old dog with a little less energy. I am wondering how I know when to put him down? I am fully aware that the daily prednisolone may be keeping him alive or looking to be alive longer than he should be. Thoughts?


I would really need to examine him and see his latest bloodwork to really guess what kind of quality of life he may still have, so your veterinarian is definitely the best one to ask.

DateOct 9, 2020
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet Typenull
TopicPrednisolone and licorice root

Hello, I am currently working with my vet to help treat my 3 year old dog who has been diagnosed with secondary Addison’s disease. For the last 10 months she has been taking daily prednisone at a dose of 0.26mg/kg (2.5mg per day)—she weighs about 9.4kg. I have tried to lower the dosage further, and even do alternate day prednisolone, but each time I attempt it the vomiting returns within 24 hours. My vet has recommended that I continue my dog on the daily prednisolone. However, I have been seeing some negative side effects... mostly just fur loss and a thinning coat. Her fur is much thinner than it ever has been in the past, and I know this can by a side effect of long term prednisolone usage. Due to the above, I have been researching about the possibility of using licorice tincture on an alternate day basis with prednisolone, but I have been seeing very conflicting evidence about this. I really need some advice about what to do about this, or if this regimen would be possible. My vet is not very much help with a natural form of treatment. Thank you for your advice! Daniel!


There is not enough proven research out there for us to be able to recommend licorice. A dog with Addison's only needs a "metabolic" dosage of steroids daily (just what their body would normally produce if their adrenal glands worked normally), so it is unusual for your dog to not be responding and even more unusual to have side effects. SO, I would be sure of the diagnosis of Addison's disease - a true Addisonian will need mineralocorticoid supplementation as well (usually given as a monthly injection).

DateSep 2, 2020
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet Typenull
TopicThis is a Test

Jill - this is a test


Oh - hey - yes - I got this one. Whatever one that you are taking about from Monday is not in the Open questions. (Like after I answer this one, my "Open" folder will be caught up.)

DateJul 10, 2020
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet Typenull
TopicItching and Addisons

Hannah has addisons, she is on meds, daily pill. She is constantly itching, anything to suggest that would help alleviate this?


The itching is more than likely not related to the Addison's disease. There are many things that cause itching (allergies, mange, ringworm, etc) and most are treated differently so have your veterinarian run some quick tests and make a diagnosis. Since allergies are the most common, here is a link to our article about various treatments for allergies, both over-the-counter and prescription:

DateJun 21, 2020
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet Typenull
TopicAddison’s disease and IBD

My toy poodle 6kg /9Yis suffering from Addison’s disease and IBD and currently on prednisolone 0.75mg/day and and hypoallergenic food. Vet is planning to reduce dosage to 0.5mg/day and to be continued rest of her life. She is suffering from continuous hunger and thirsty as side effect . Can I gradually replace prednesolone with Licorice root supplement?


I definitely would not do that, it would not replace the steroid that her body cannot make because of her Addison's disease and a truly Addisonian dog can die without steroids - BUT keep working with your veterinarian to get her dosage as low as possible. The dosage for most Addisonian dogs does not cause those kinds of side effects.

DateApr 10, 2020
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicConstantly licking everything

My 14 yr old Doberman is constantly licking herself, her bed or the floor. I thought nails may be a problem but that didn't stop her. Vet was not sure of Cushings or Addison's. She does have episodes when she coughs like she is coughing up something.


Hard for me to guess what is going on without examining her and looking at her blood work. With the coughing, I would do chest radiographs (x-rays) next to get a good look at her heart and lungs.

DateApr 5, 2020
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicHow To Help My Pet With Having Addisons

My goldendoodle, Koda, was just diagnosed today with Addisons Disease. We have all the details about medication and such but I was just wondering if there are any other steps we can take to make sure she is comfortable or anything we can do to help her. She?s 3 years old also:)


The monthly Percortin injections usually keep them pretty well-regulated and comfortable. Here is a good article about Addison's disease with links at the bottom to newsgroups for owner's with dogs that have Addison's disease:

DateDec 27, 2019
CategoryAddison's Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicMay have it

My little toy poodle was sick in November- shaking not eating for 6nights, sleeping a lot took her to my vet did blood test and came back kidney levels were high they put her on a drip for 24hrs and put her on prednisone tablets the very next day she was bouncing around as normal now 3wks later she is off tablets and hasn?t eaten for 4night and back to sleeping and shaking again so now giving her prednisone tablets again and vet wants more blood work what does this sound like to you plz help she means a lot to me 😥


It's interesting that you filed this under Addison's disease, because that is a possibility, but unfortunately, worsening of her kidney disease is also possible and more probable.

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