Ask the Vet About Liver Disease in Dogs and Cats

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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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DateMay 26, 2023
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeCat
TopicWhat meds. Bloating is my main concern now. She is on high powered vitamins from vet.

What antibiotics would work ? My vet said it only came in big batches so he could not order. Seem hesitant to give name. ?


What meds. Bloating is my main concern now. She is on high powered vitamins from vet. Hey! Your cat should not bloat. If her or his belly is distended and big this could be from something else like fluid filling in the abdomen from liver swelling and edema or a tumor causing a vessel obstruction. I think you should start with an Abdominal Ultrasound and some X-rays and keep working up this cat with diagnostics with your vet to see more of what is going on the better prescribe medications to treat. Liver disease is very serious in cats. I hope this helped! Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateNov 9, 2022
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeCat
Topicliver disease

What wet food can you suggest


You filed your question under "liver disease", so I assume your cat has liver disease, so just in general, Science L/D is formulated for cats with certain kinds of liver disease. Honestly it depends on exactly what is going on and what underlying cause may have caused the liver disease so your veterinarian is definitely the best person to ask, who has access to all of your cats bloodwork and history.

DateAug 26, 2022
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeDog
Topicpain Rx

What is the best pain Rx to request for my pet who has been diagnosed with liver cancer ? I do not want her suffering


Your veterinarian is definitely the best one to ask about that: it will depend on her liver values (and kidney, etc.) in her bloodwork.

DateAug 24, 2022
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeDog

Buy with prescription


I'm not sure what product you are specifically asking about. Feel free to submit another question if you still need help.

DateAug 3, 2022
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicFlea treatment safety

Hello Vets! I wanted to see if it was safe administer a CAPStar tablet for fleas to my dog who has had liver disease. Thank you!


That is a question for your veterinarian that has access to your dog's bloodwork and knows the severity of his/her liver disease.

DateJun 16, 2022
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicShould a tumor removal surgery be performed if the dog has high liver enzymes of 1000

Should a dog that is having tumor removal surgery, who has blood work immediately prior to surgery and comes back as liver enzymes of 1000, still have the surgery?


I would need to see all of his bloodwork to really advise you : like which liver enzyme, any other changes, are all of his liver enzymes elevated or just one, etc. so consult your veterinarian for the best advice.

DateMay 20, 2022
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicHeartworm Medication

My vet has prescribed heartworm meds for my dog who is 11 years old with liver disease. Will this make his liver worse?


Probably not, but if the liver disease is severe enough, choosing a heartworm preventative that is not metabolized by the liver is a good idea. Getting heartworms would be far worse on his liver, so he'll more than likely need to be on something.

DateFeb 28, 2022
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeCat
TopicNeurological ticks

Will these ticks from toxicity and seizure resolve? She's (Petal) now on k/d diet and antibiotics and we have an appointment with internal medicine for ultrasound and possibly to schedule CT scan if needed. I'm just super scared for her


I would really need to see her bloodwork, get a full history, do a physical exam and look at her other tests to really be able to tell what is going on. I'm glad you are seeing a specialist - they will have all of that information and hopefully be able to help.

DateFeb 14, 2022
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicHill's L/D

Our dog vomits the Hill's L/D


That is unusual and makes me wonder if the underlying liver disease is worsening so contact your veterinarian for recheck bloodwork. Consider products like Denamarin if s/he's not already on it and has liver disease - here is a link to read about it:

DateNov 27, 2021
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeDog

My puppy is a small breed 10wks old he has a liver shunt what dry food can i buy for him


It really depends on many factors (blood work, weight of the puppy compared to his frame, etc.) so consulting your veterinarian, who has access to all of that information, is ideal. Science Diet L/D is a food we often choose for our patients with liver problems, but it is primarily for adults. You can always call and speak directly to Science Diet's Veterinary nutritionist for advice as well (or any of the big name food companies - most employ board certified veterinary nutritionists like Purina, Royal Canin, Blue Buffalo, etc.)

DateOct 26, 2021
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeDog



I can't legally recommend human products through the internet, and some contain ingredients that can be potentially toxic but the active ingreients in denamarin can be found in human alternatives so work with your veterinarian to find something safe in your area.

DateSep 13, 2021
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicWhat medication

I have used Denamarin but not available Any other suggestions ?


Denamarin is a combination of an anti oxidant called (1) SAMe, which can be found online and in stores, and (2) marin, the active ingredient in milk thistle, which can as well.

DateAug 22, 2021
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicITN higher alt

8 year old pug health developed IRM ( sards) last thursday 10 days ago ( tests confirmed) blood work down all normal but alt high at 200 appetite well drinking well no issues with anything just about 90 percent blood vet prescribed 5 mg Prednisone 20 mg Leflunomide eyes sight about 80 percent blind but adjusting well any advice thoughts actions i should look at thank you Gary


We, regular veterinarians in private practice, don't see SARDs very often at all so working with your local veterinary ophthalmologist might be the best option, especially with that elevated ALT.

DateAug 14, 2021
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicDog elevated ALP and seizures

Can I give my dog Denosyl and Cholodin at the same time?My male cairn terrier is 13 years old and has elevated ALP and seizures. He takes Keppra and prednisone.


That's probably fine BUT definitely check with your veterinarian (who has access to all of his bloodwork, etc.) before doing that.

DateAug 9, 2021
CategoryLiver Disease
Pet TypeDog
TopicHigh Liver Enzymes & Enlarged Liver

My adult husky has been on Denamarin for the past 3 years and her liver enzymes continue to increase. She now has an enlarged liver. What should I do? Are there any ways to find vets who specialize in liver treatment?


Oh yes, definitely - ask for a referral from your veterinarian (that has all of her records) to an internal medicine specialist near you. More tests to determine why the liver enzymes are rising are definitely indicated if they are continuing to rise.

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1 - 15 of 29 Answers