Ask the Vet About Canine Distemper in Dogs

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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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DateJul 3, 2023
Pet TypeCat
TopicTesting answer to Questions

Testing answer to Questions


Hey! Please leave your question here and I will get back to you with a response for your pet! Thank you, Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateJun 23, 2023
Pet TypeCat
TopicDeworming medicine

I would like to know if I can get a prescription for deworming for my cat??


Hey! You can use Revolution topical on your cat and this will deworm him or her. I also dont know what type of worms. Distemper is not a worm? This is a serious virus in cats. I would need more Information to answer this properly. Thank you! Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateApr 19, 2023
Pet TypeDog
TopicCan I used NEUROKIND OD tablets

Can I used Neurokind od tablets


Hey! This medication is for humans and I have never had experience using it in dogs and cats. Please consult with your local veterinarian, but I do not suggest you use this. I hope this helps. Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateMar 21, 2023
Pet TypeDog
TopicDog affected by canine distemper.

My dog suffered from canine distemper. Its about to die, what shall i do? Please tell me😭


Hey! I am really sorry. This is a very deadly disease and why it is a core vaccine for all dogs. If your dog is suffering the right thing to do is put them to sleep. I am so sorry! Dr. Lindsay Butzer

DateSep 3, 2022
Pet TypeDog
TopicDifferent vaccines

Hello again. My puppy's first vaccine was Eurican and the second one was Nobivac and I was wondering if it is okay to vaccinate with two different vaccines? My vet said that Eurican and Nobivac are the same.


Yes, that is fine (to use different manufacturers).

DateSep 2, 2022
Pet TypeDog
TopicCanine distemper transmission

Hello. How exactly canine distemper is spread? I heard that only via direct contact. And can my dog catch a virus if he always sniffs everything and even other dogs' feces?


Here is a link to a really good article, written by another veterinarian, all about distemper: He cannot contract distemper from other dogs feces but he can get other viruses like that.

DateAug 14, 2022
Pet TypeDog
TopicCanine distemper

Hello. How long does distemper virus live outside? At home or in the yard.


Here is a great article, written by another veterinarian, from a site that I trust. It depends on the ambient conditions, but they directly answer your question in the grey side box:

DateJan 29, 2022
Pet TypeDog

How do you treat distemper in dogs?


Since we rarely see Distemper in the United States (I've seen one case in 25 years), I'm not a good veterinarian to ask. It is viral and we don't have great anti-virals in veterinary medicine, so treatment usually revolves around supportive care and how good the dog's immune system is. Vaccines are very protective so vaccinating all puppies is ideal for prevention. Here is a good article, written by another veterinarian about Distemper:

DateNov 22, 2021
Pet TypeDog
TopicWeak limbs, lame

I adopted two small mixed breed puppies at seven months that had recovered from distemper. One has had seizures almost all her life and has been on phenobarbital. They are about to turn 10 years—The one with seizures seems to have very weak legs. When going downstairs she loses control and will splay out; Her legs seem so weak she has difficulty staying upright when eating and has a hard time getting up from the floor. She has always been a reluctant walker. The other one has love to walk and we go and go and go and now he seems to be in pain and won’t walk. Is there a post distemper syndrome that could account for this?


"Is there a post distemper syndrome that could account for this?" Not that I know of but it could be related - hard to say really, but it wouldn't change any kind of treatment protocols this far away from the illness.

DateJun 25, 2021
Pet Typenull

Hello, my puppy is a full Belgian Mali, she's 5 months old. She has been diagnosed with distemper. She had went 2 days w/out eating/water before getting a shot for her temperature to lower. Then she started eating again, drinking lots of water, and is walking, and running. She does have a cough, nasal& eye discharge, hair loss, and breathing w/ sound of mucus. I am giving her all 5 medications prescribed and Pedialyte(no flavor), and boiled chicken/rice. (she eats a lot now), also no blood in her poop or diarrhea/vomiting. What are your thoughts?


We, thankfully, don't see distemper much in the United States - last case I saw was over 20 years ago, so consult a veterinarian in your country for the best advice. Here is an article, written by another veterinarian, from a site that I trust about distemper:

DateSep 3, 2020
Pet Typenull

how long should I let this mom dog suffer? she has been sick for a week, really really sick. we got her temp down with antibiotics, but she hasnt moved for days, just sleeps and sleeps with the babies trying to nurse.... its time right?? I think she wants to go....


She may just have low calcium, which is very treatable so definitely see your veterinarian for a definitive diagnosis and treatment. They can determine if euthanasia is appropriate.

DateSep 3, 2020
Pet Typenull
Topicnew born pups to a mom with distemper

Is there any way her pups can survive? the foster dog I have has distemper, pretty sure, now she has 5 newborn. Is there any chance of them making it??


We so rarely see Distemper in the United States (I have seen one case in 25 years and that was 23 years ago) that it is ideal to consult a veterinarian in your country about the prognosis of the puppies. If you are in the United States, have your veterinarian recheck the mother dog as she probably does not have distemper. Hypocalcemia, which is very treatable and relatively common in nursing mothers, might look like distemper.

DateAug 3, 2020
Pet Typenull

My puppy is having seizures..they only last like 20 seconds


Definitely go ahead and see your veterinarian - seizures can be caused by many things (Distemper virus, Rabies, toxins, metabolic disorders, etc.) and they are all treated differently and many can be fatal.

DateJul 7, 2020
Pet Typenull
TopicCanine distemper

My dog has canine distemper .it recovered from other symptoms but he got seizures and chewgum fits , from a weak he is unable to walk his back legs don't work they are fully paralyzed . What shoul I do . He is eating every thing and he is on medications but his paralysis worsen day by day


Distemper has basically been all but eradicated in the United States so I am not a good veterinarian to ask - taking him to a veterinarian in your country is probably his best shot. You may also want to try - they may have a veterinarian that specializes in Distemper there.

DateJun 29, 2020
Pet Typenull

My puppy, who is 9-10 weeks old, recently began getting seizures and I don’t know what was the cause of it. What can I do or give to her to stop her seizures?


Have your veterinarian check her out immediately - there are many potential causes, some of them quite serious (toxins, Distemper, etc.)

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