Even though a pet emergency may be unpleasant to think about, having the right tools and education to help your pet quickly is crucial.
Luckily, with expert knowledge from your vet and these three tips, you can make sure you are always prepared in case of a pet emergency.
Have a pet first aid kit
When a pet emergency occurs, whether it is a cut, embedded tick or a sprain, having a pet first aid kit to carry medical supplies is an immediate way to help your pet. Whether you prefer to purchase a pre-packaged kit or make your own, having such a toolset can only benefit your pet in the event an emergency occurs.
Not sure what your pet's first aid kit should consist of? A few key items are:
- Tweezers: For tick or splinter removal.
- Gauze, Medical Tape, and Bandages: For accidental cuts or scrapes. Liquid banages are also ideal for pets because they help protect the wound from further infection.
- Scissors: To help cut medical tape, or free your pet from an entanglement.
- Anti-septic spray, wash or wipes: Anti-septice sprays such as Betagen Spray can be used to clean your pet's wounds (steer away from rubbing alcohol).
- Antibiotic ointment: Helps keep infections at bay until you can see your veterinarian.
- Over the counter pain relief for dogs and cats: Ask your vet to suggest an over the counter pain reliever, like T-Relief Tablets, to temporarily reduce pain and inflammation associated with minor injuries or joint soreness. Always consult your veterinarian for dosage recommendations before giving any medication.
It's a good idea to always keep your pet first aid kit on hand. You never know when your pet may need first aid. Learn the 3 Common Conditions that prompt pet owners to provide first aid to pets.
Take a pet first aid class
Taking pet first aid classes is another way to make sure you are prepared for a pet emergency. Pet first aid certification classes are given by trained professionals and can teach you basic first aid knowledge, such as the proper way to wrap a bandage or how to treat a wound. These classes, which last anywhere from 2–4 hours, show you the proper way to care for your pet. In some classes, you are taught how to administer CPR to your cat or dog properly — which is a great tool to have. The American Red Cross offers classes based on your location, so just enter your zip code and choose "Pet First Aid".
Download a pet first aid "App"
Nowadays, you can get an "app" for your smartphone for almost anything, so why should pet first aid be any different? Pet first aid phone apps show you how to apply first aid to your pet or give pet CPR, as if you were in a classroom. So now, you can have a step–by–step guide on how to help your pet in an emergency right at your fingertips.