To get your money back for Frontline Plus®, here's what's required:
- Just call us and we will refund your money.

If you are not satisfied with Frontline Plus® for any reason, please call 1-800-660-1842. Merial will refund your money or replace the product.
- The Satisfaction Guarantee is only available for the most recent purchase of a complete 3 pack or 6 pack of FRONTLINE Brand products. Purchase must have been made within the last 12 months. You may receive either one replacement package of the same FRONTLINE product purchased or a refund for the purchase price. Taxes and shipping charges are not reimbursable.
- Purchases of single doses will not be eligible for the Satisfaction Guarantee.
- An itemized, printed receipt for the purchase of FRONTLINE Brand products must be submitted to Merial. The printed receipt must show the place of purchase, the date of purchase, the product brand name, the amount of product purchased and the purchase price. Merial will not reimburse products purchased from eBay.
- Merial reserves the right to request original printed receipts to be submitted by mail before a Satisfaction Guarantee will be processed.
- If the pet owner's name appears on the printed receipt, the Satisfaction Guarantee can only be processed for that individual.
- All unused product and the box must be returned to Merial. Postage will not be reimbursed.
- Satisfaction Guarantee valid only on FRONTLINE Brand Products labeled for sale in the United States.
- Satisfaction Guarantee not valid in situations where FRONTLINE Brand Products have not been used according to label directions.
- One offer per household. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing.
- Because the flea lifecycle can vary from 2 weeks to 6 months, it may take several monthly applications of FRONTLINE Brand products to break the flea life cycle that has been established in the pet's environment.
Therefore, you are required to use one full dose of FRONTLINE Brand products for 3 consecutive months on every cat and dog, 8 weeks of age and older, in the household (indoor and outdoor) in order to be eligible for the Satisfaction Guarantee.